Don't let yesterday take up too much of today. ~Will Rogers~
General Information:
What is : A Healing Crisis:
Healing - the natural process by which the body repairs itself
The healing event is a little
understood phenomenon. Unfortunately, this rather confusing experience presents
symptoms similar to illness. It is therefore easily misinterpreted as
deterioration in health. In actual fact, you usually have to feel worse as part
of the process of getting better.
Symptoms experienced during a healing event can include fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, boils, chills, aches and pains, skin eruptions, flatulence, irritability or depression, headache, nausea, chest or head cold, shooting pains, disorientation, mental fogginess, dizziness, coughing, build up of mucous, etc. Transitional restlessness, unusual dreams and a change in sleep patterns or an increase in sleep requirements are also common. If you are healing from a chronic illness, your symptoms of illness can become more pronounced for a short time.
The severity or mildness of your reactions to this process will depend upon how resilient your health is, how long standing and how serious your illness is and how quickly you are pushing your body to cleanse itself. You can't speed the healing but you may be tempted to rush the detoxification part of the process. Rushing the detoxification process can cause severe stress on the organs, actually hindering healing.
Holistic healers have been familiar with the phenomenon of healing events for over two thousand years. Constantine Hering (1800-1880) was an MD who is known as the father of homeopathy. He observed several characteristics of a healing event and his observations became so well known and respected that they are still taught today. The principles of the Hering Law of Cure follow:- The human body seeks to externalize disease from deep internal organs to more superficial levels like the skin. It will also heal from the inside out. Healing will usually occur on the inside of the body before the outside and the curative process will work its way out of the body from there. For example, someone with asthma may develop a skin rash as his or her body attempts to resolve the asthma. Unfortunately, in modern medical protocol this rash would most likely be treated with cortisone cream. This type of suppression of the body's natural healing process could result in the condition going back inside again to re-affect the lungs.
- Healing events tend to proceed from the head downward. By this he meant that the body typically exerts healing energy to resolve ailments at the top of the body (near the head) before it will tend to ailments at the bottom of the body (near the feet).
- The healing of illnesses in the body will occur in the reverse order to development. The most recent health challenges will be resolved first and the old illnesses will be healed last. For example, the body would work on healing lung tissue from a recent bout with pneumonia before it would work on healing kidney tissue from a childhood kidney disease. This experience of healing through our past health challenges has been called "retracing".
- The healing will occur in a cycle. We will endure a healing event followed by feeling wonderful and then we'll just "coast along" for a while until our body has gathered up enough strength to tackle another healing task.
An emotional issue, associated with a particular layer of healing, may arise during the physical healing. It may emerge alone or in combination with a healing episode that is physical in nature. This can be seen as an opportunity to achieve healing on more than one level. You can interpret the emergence of a specific emotional issue as a gentle signal from your psyche that it is time to deal with it.In some cases, it is essential that we address both the emotional and physical in order to successfully pass through the next layer of healing. If we address one part but not the other, the healing may be incomplete and have to be addressed again at a later date.
How do you distinguish a healing event from an actual worsening of illness? To
help you recognize a healing event, you can count on a few common
- You will likely be feeling quite fabulous or at least better than usual just before the onset of a healing event. It seems that the body will tackle healing projects once it has built up enough strength to face them.
- During a healing event, you'll usually feel a sense of well-being and congruency about symptoms. Despite feeling ill, you will not likely develop any deep dread or resistance to the experience.
- The timing of a manifestation of symptoms can be logically related to an increase in your healing or detoxification efforts. For example, you may have just started a new emotional therapy or a new type of massage treatment. Perhaps you increased an anti-viral or anti-fungal herbal remedy. You may even have made a significant step in your emotional development by, for example, quitting a job that was "toxic" to you. It's common to have a healing event in response to significant life changes.
- A true healing event will usually be quite short lived. Several hours to several days duration is the norm. In situations of long standing toxicity or extreme candida or other pathogenic infestations, it may last longer because the initial "clean up" from these sorts of conditions can take a significant period of time.
If you feel seriously ill and are
not confident that your symptoms are harmless and temporary, consult immediately
with your Doctor.
Your body is infinitely intelligent. With adequate resources: healing, rest,
clean water, fresh air, exercise, sleep, a healthy emotional peace and an
individualized healthy diet, it can work miracles in healing.
Extracts from:
Energy healing is a form of therapy yet unproven by science. As such, no warranty or claim of effectiveness - express or implied - is made for these techniques. All information contained on this website are for educational or informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, complete, or up-to-date. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.
Introduction to Energywork:
We'd all be living ideal lives if change was easy.
How this works: I am only able to access what you and/or your body or energy field (also known as an Aura) permits. This ensures that, at all times, you are safe. Sensitive clients may feel energetic shifts that could result in side effects.
You are
encouraged to report any discomfort so that I can ensure that you are comfortable for the
duration of your clearing. Most clearings take an average of 3-6 days, but some
can take as long as 10 days.
Affirmations: These are a very powerful healing tool. Affirmations reprogram the subconscious, so are best read aloud. For optimum results, you can read all of the personalized affirmations from your worksheet aloud, or select one or two to focus on at a time - it's up to you. Even if you do nothing, the session and clearing will still work!
Distance/Remote Sessions: I am trained and qualified to do distance/remote sessions and am pleased to offer this service to anyone, anywhere - provided I have the appropriate permission. You are not required to do anything specific during a distance session. You are welcome to rest, 'tune in' or go about your daily business - whichever is most convenient.
When can I expect results?: Some clients experience profound changes immediately, but for most, changes are subtle. It took a while to get where you're at, so allow for some time for things to be corrected. The effects of some sessions can take days, weeks or even months to unfold. Sometimes it takes someone else to see the changes in you, since they have a different perspective.
What must I do?: Be aware. Awareness of what you think, how you feel and react is all important and provides valuable information. What we think = our feelings = the energy we are putting out there = more of the same coming back to us. Your level of involvement is personal. Regardless of how involved you become in these sessions, they will still work.
How long does this take?: Sessions undertaken at my office take an average of 45-60 minutes. Distance sessions take longer, as more time is required to type out additional information.
The role of emotions in our wellbeing:
Very often our emotions lead to physical ailments. It is not possible to always
correctly deal with emotional traumas and they become stuck, buried or hidden
in or on the Being.
Kirlian photography has proved that illness manifests first in our auras/energy fields and later in the physical body. By keeping the chakras balanced, the Meridians unblocked and our energy field regularly cleared, our physical (and other bodies) are also kept balanced and in good health.
What is an aura/energy field?: Just as there are several physical systems in our bodies (circulatory, digestive, nervous etc.), so there are several energy systems, the better known ones being Chakras and Meridians. Your aura is really your personal space and is the area around you that you regard as yours. It is an energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It holds the positive life force, also known as Qi, as well as unexpressed emotions, physical trauma, suppressed feelings and thoughts. This being the case, as much as 80% of our communication is done through the auric field. It is the medium through which we express love and conduct our relationship with the world.
What is energy healing?: An effective way to restore balance within ourselves and in our bodies. No matter the cause of our imbalances, healing permits us to set aside the usual defense mechanisms we use to protect us from our lifetime of anger, frustration, disappointments, negativity and wounds so that it's possible to connect more deeply with others and ourselves. It also allows for deeper states of inner peace and a stronger connection with our life journey.
As we create our own reality, much of our work together will be educational and will provide you with tools to better understand and work with yourself. Change is one of the hardest things to undertake. We'd all be living ideal lives if change was easy. That being said, this is why it's important to voice concerns or questions so that they can be addressed or cleared in a beneficial manner. At all times it remains your choice to accept or reject new patterns that emerge in sessions.
The state of our energy field is reflected in our physical body. If our energy fields are not supplying us with the correct amount of universal energy, ill health results.
Blocked energy: Damage or blocks in an energy field can be experienced as fatigue, backache, headaches, joint problems, insomnia, digestive problems and more.
Many blocks and leaks are caused by trauma, especially in our younger years, or from death, divorce etc. Emotional trauma causes distortion in our energy fields, leading to dis-ease. The blocks hold the memories, vibration and emotion of old, painful events. We create blocks to avoid feeling this pain again. Blocking energy in certain ways results in what is also known as 'negative patterns', as the way that we block our energy becomes habitual.
All energy holds a vibration and it resonates when coming into contact with people or places that have that same vibration. This is why we attract or repeat negative patterns in our lives that we wish to change yet cannot seem to do. By releasing these blocks it allows us to change our thoughts, feelings, reactions, attitudes, relationship patterns and even belief systems. Conscious and unconscious thoughts, fears, societal, religious and belief systems all become imprinted into our subtle energy systems and therefore the physical body. This directly impacts how we feel and express ourselves.
When an energetic body is out of alignment due to emotional trauma, injury, unresolved memories, environmental toxins, addictions, poor relationships or living an ungrounded, unconscious life, we lack the necessary vitality for life and can become physically ill, depressed and stuck. By being able to live in energetic integrity we are able to create and manifest what we desire in our lives.
Benefits of energy work:
Energy healing is a therapy that is done to promote healing of the etheric or
energetic body that exists in all of us, as it exists simultaneously with our
physical body. This means that the one has a direct effect on the other. It
also means that energy healing therapies may assist mentally, spiritually and
Regardless of whether or not you feel any shifts, the energy is
always working!
Clearing and charging the energy field removes energetic blocks that may lead to dis-ease and enhances the body's natural capacity for healing.
Who should consider Energy Healing?: Pain, tension and illness is often the result of blocked energy. When energy slows down it manifests as physical matter, so if you change energy you change matter. Where energy is stagnant there will be dysfunction and eventually dis-ease.
Our Qu/life force is often blocked by worrying about the future or being trapped in the past. This could not only result in physical ailments, but also shuts down our ability to experience life in the Now. These blocks can lead to a variety of negative results, such as false mental conclusions, distorted thoughts or emotions that adversely affect our understanding of our bodies, ourselves, our futures and even relationships, as well as many other important areas of our lives. Healing promotes awareness or consciousness.
How does energy help on a physical level?: Physical matter is formed on a matrix of energy patterns. Without energy there is no matter. A physical injury therefore changes the energy field and could cause a break, leak or block in the energy flow. As the energy field is repaired the life force returns to normal and the physical body is able to heal.
After your session: Drink lots of good water and eat
light, healthy foods to assist in balancing energy levels after a clearing.
Keeping your body well hydrated is important, because you may experience a
detoxifying effect, despite there being no physical contact.
It is recommended that you refrain from using alcoholic beverages and/or recreational drugs for at least 24 hours before and after any session.